國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台共同資料模式實作指引(NBCT Common Data Model IG)
0.1.0 - trial-use
This page is part of the 國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台共同資料模式實作指引(NBCT Common Data Model IG) (v0.1.0: Releases) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Document Subject
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Document Content
Entry 1 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Composition/com-TOTFA
Resource Composition:
Generated Narrative: Composition com-TOTFA
status: Final
type: Attending Outpatient Progress note
date: 2024-06-05 00:00:00+0000
author: Organization: identifier = example123
title: 門診醫療申報檔案 TOTFA
custodian: Organization: identifier = example123
Entry 2 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Organization/org-TOTFAB
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization org-TOTFAB
identifier: example123
active: true
Entry 3 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Patient/pat-CDM
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient pat-CDM
甄○康(official) Female, DoB: 1985-01-02 ( National Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country code (use: official, ))
Entry 4 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Encounter/enc-TOTFA
Resource Encounter:
Generated Narrative: Encounter enc-TOTFA
/1101100011status: completed
class: 西醫其他專案
serviceType: No display for Encounter.serviceType (concept: 放射腫瘤科)
Entry 5 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/ChargeItem/cha-CDM
Resource ChargeItem:
Generated Narrative: ChargeItem cha-CDM
status: Billable
code: 送核
occurrence: 2024-01-25 00:00:00+0800
enteredDate: 2024-01-25 00:00:00+0800
Entry 6 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Procedure/pro-TOTFA
Resource Procedure:
Generated Narrative: Procedure pro-TOTFA
status: Completed
code: 0016070
note: 特定治療項目代號(一)
Entry 7 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Condition/con-TOTFA
Resource Condition:
Generated Narrative: Condition con-TOTFA
clinicalStatus: Remission
verificationStatus: Confirmed
category: Encounter Diagnosis
code: A00
note: 主診斷代碼
Entry 8 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/ChargeItem/cha-TOTFA-Order
Resource ChargeItem:
Generated Narrative: ChargeItem cha-TOTFA-Order
identifier: 30
status: Billable
code: 診療明細
occurrence: 2024-01-21 00:00:00+0800 --> 2024-01-25 00:00:00+0800
bodysite: Fetal part of placenta
note: 1
Entry 9 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/MedicationRequest/med-TOTFA-Order
Resource MedicationRequest:
Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest med-TOTFA-Order
identifier: 08
status: Active
intent: Order
category: Discharge
note: 1
timing: Code
site: Fetal part of placenta
route: 口服
Dose[x] 0.5 dispenseRequest
validityPeriod: 2024-03-01 00:00:00+0800 --> 2024-05-01 00:00:00+0800
quantity: 30
Value 30
Entry 10 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Observation/obs-TOTFA-Order
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation obs-TOTFA-Order
identifier: 30
status: Final
category: 診療明細
code: 0016070
effective: 2024-03-01 00:00:00+0800 --> 2024-05-01 00:00:00+0800
value: 15.1 mg/dL
note: 0
bodySite: Fetal part of placenta
Entry 11 - fullUrl = https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/Procedure/pro-TOTFA-Order
Resource Procedure:
Generated Narrative: Procedure pro-TOTFA-Order
identifier: 30
status: Completed
category: 診療明細
code: 無資料
note: 0