歡迎您報名參加於112/11/25舉行的「2023台灣健康大數據整合服務平台年會 - 建構信任研究環境」(以下簡稱本研討會),為保障您的權益,請於填寫報名表前,詳細閱讀以下個人資料使用同意書之內容:
Thank you for registering the "2023 Taiwan Gateway to Health Data Annual Conference - Capacity Building of Trusted Research Environment" (hereinafter referred to as the conference). To ensure the protection of your personal information, please note the following:
1. The personal information you have provided will be collected, processed, and used solely by the organizer, the National Health Research Institutes of Taiwan, for conference-related purposes only.
2. Personal information items collected may include: name, institution, unit, job title, email address, national ID number, resident certificate number, and phone number.
3. The use of your personal information will be limited to the duration of the conference activities only. Your information will not be disclosed in any form or used for any other purposes without your explicit consent.
4. If there are errors or changes in your registration information, please contact the organizer by email (
ghdtw@nhri.edu.tw) before November 20 when the organizer performs the necessary business.