國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台共同資料模式實作指引(NBCT Common Data Model IG)
0.1.0 - trial-use

This page is part of the 國家級人體生物資料庫整合平台共同資料模式實作指引(NBCT Common Data Model IG) (v0.1.0: Releases) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: SSF7 乳癌-HER2 免疫組織化學法的實驗數值代碼系統

Official URL: https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/CodeSystem/ssf-7-breast-codesystem Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-08-01 Computable Name: SSF7breastCS

HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) IHC Test Lab Value Code System

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem ssf-7-breast-codesystem

This case-sensitive code system https://www.ghd.tw/cdm-fhir/CodeSystem/ssf-7-breast-codesystem defines the following codes:

100 IHC, 0 (negative or score 0)
101 IHC, 1+ (negative or score 1+)
102 IHC, 2+ (equivocal or score 2+)
103 IHC, 3+ (positive or score 3+)
200 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。(1) CISH, negative (2) CISH, not amplified
201 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。(1) CISH, positive (2) CISH, amplified
202 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。CISH, equivoca
300 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。(1) FISH, negative (2) FISH, not amplified
301 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。(1) FISH, positive (2) FISH, amplified
302 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。FISH, equivocal
400 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。其它檢驗,Her2 陰性
401 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。其它檢驗,Her2 陽性
402 僅 100-107 診斷年個案使用,自 108 診斷年起之個案不適用。其它檢驗,Her2 equivocal
500 (1) ISH, negative (2) ISH, not amplified
501 (1) ISH, positive (2) ISH, amplified
502 ISH, equivocal
888 (1) 前導性治療後 HER2 檢驗值由陰性轉為陽性 (2) 無前導性治療前的 HER2 檢驗值,但治療後 HER2 數值轉為陽性
900 Her2 陰性,其它檢驗方式或外院檢驗方式不詳
901 Her2 陽性,其它檢驗方式或外院檢驗方式不詳
902 Her2 equivocal,其它檢驗方式或外院檢驗方式不詳
988 不適用。(1) Phyllodes tumors (ICD-O-3 M-9020) (2) Sarcoma (ICD-O-3 M-8800-8936, 8940-9136, 9141-9582)
999 (1) 不清楚檢測是否執行 (2) 病歷並未記載 (3) 沒有檢測